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Appendix: Dealing with absence in the workplace – IELTS Reading

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IELTS General Test – Passage 04: Appendix: Dealing with absence in the workplace reading answers explanation, location and pdf. This reading paragraph has been taken from our huge collection of Academic & General Training (GT) Reading practice test PDF’s.

Appendix: Dealing with absence in the workplace

This appendix considers how to handle problems of absence and gives guidance about authorised and unauthorised absence of employees from work.

The organisation should be aware of the rights of employees and in particular the requirements of the Equality Act 201O when making any decisions about absences of employees who are disabled. In these cases, the employer should consider what reasonable adjustments could be made in the workplace to help the employee. This might be something as simple as supplying an appropriate chair for the use of the employee. In cases where an employee suffers from an allergy caused by something in the workplace, the employer should consider remedial action or a transfer to alternative work.

If the absence is because of temporary difficulties relating to dependants, the employee may be entitled to have time off under the provisions of the Employment Rights Act 1996. In cases where the employee has difficulty managing both work and home responsibilities, employees have the right to request flexible ways of working, such as job-sharing, and employers must have a good business reason for rejecting any such application.

Employers should investigate unexpected absences promptly and the employee should be asked for an explanation at a return-to-work interview. In order to show both the employee concerned and other employees that absence is regarded as a serious matter and may result in dismissal, it is very important that persistent absence is dealt with firmly and consistently. Records showing lateness and the duration of and explanations for all spells of absence should be kept to help monitor levels of absence or lateness. If the employer wishes to contact the employee’s doctor for more information about a medical condition, he or she must notify the employee in writing that they intend to make such an application and they must secure the employee’s consent in writing. Consideration should be given to introducing measures to help employees, regardless of status or seniority, who may be suffering from stress. The aim should be to identify employees affected and encourage them to seek help and treatment.

Questions 21-27

Complete the notes below.

Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the text for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 21-27 on your answer sheet.

Absence in the workplace

Employees’ rights

•  help with issues related to disabilities, e. g. provision of a suitable 21…………………………

•  provision of arrangements to deal with any work-related 22…………………………  

•  time off work to deal with short-term problems of 23…………………………  

•  possibility of arrangements that are 24………………………… to help with domestic responsibilities

Recommendations to employers

•  make it clear that absence is a possible reason for 25…………………………  

•  ask employees for consent before contacting their 26………………………… .

•  identify employees affected by 27………………………… and provide support










Check out Appendix: Dealing with absence in the workplace reading answers below:

21   chair

22   allergy

23   dependants

24   flexible

25   dismissal

26   doctor

27   stress

Wondering how the answers are chosen?? Then, read Online roommate finder: Toronto reading answers explained below:


QuestionAnswer Explanation
•  help with issues related to disabilities, e. g. provision of a suitable 21…………………………Underline keywords: Employees’ rights, help, issues related to disabilities, provision, suitable
In 2nd paragraph, in lines 1-5, it says, “The organisation should be aware of the rights of employees and in particular the requirements of the Equality Act 201O when making any decisions about absences of employees who are disabled. In these cases, the employer should consider what reasonable adjustments could be made in the workplace to help the employee. This might be something as simple as supplying an appropriate chair for the use of the employee_____.”

In this text, the rights of employees means that ➙ Employees’ rights
employees who are disabled means that ➙ disabilities
supplying means that ➙ provision
appropriate means that ➙ suitable

Hence, the answer is going to be: chair
•  provision of arrangements to deal with any work-related 22…………………………  Underline keywords:  Employees’ rights, regular, provision of arrangements, deal with, any work-related
In 2nd paragraph, in lines 6-7, it says, “_____ In cases where an employee suffers from an allergy caused by something in the workplace, the employer should consider remedial action or a transfer to alternative work.”

In this text, caused by something in the workplace means that ➙ work-related
remedial action or a transfer to alternative work means that ➙ provision of arrangements

Hence, the answer is going to be: allergy
•  time off work to deal with short-term problems of 23…………………………  Underline keywords:  Employees’ rights, time off, deal with, short-term problems

In the 3rd paragraph, the author explains in the start, “If the absence is because of temporary difficulties relating to dependants, the employee may be entitled to have time off under the provisions of the Employment Rights Act 1996. ______.”

In this text, absence means that ➙ time off work
temporary difficulties means that ➙ short-term problems

Hence, the answer is going to be: dependants
•  possibility of arrangements that are 24………………………… to help with domestic responsibilitiesUnderline keywords:  Employees’ rights, possibility of arrangements, to help with, domestic responsibilities

In the 3rd paragraph, in lines 3-6, take a look at, “_____ In cases where the employee has difficulty managing both work and home responsibilitiesemployees have the right to request flexible ways of working, such as job-sharing, and employers must have a good business reason for rejecting any such application.____”

In this text, home responsibilities means that ➙ domestic responsibilities
employees have the right to request means that ➙ possibility of arrangements

Hence, the answer is going to be: flexible
•  make it clear that absence is a possible reason for 25…………………………  Underline keywords:  Recommendations to employers, make it clear, absence, possible reason

In the last paragraph, in lines 2-5, the author describes, “_ In order to show both the employee concerned and other employees that absence is regarded as a serious matter and may result in dismissalit is very important that persistent absence is dealt with firmly and consistently_____”

In this text, it is very important that persistent absence is dealt with firmly and consistently means that ➙ make it clear that absence is a possible reason

Hence, the answer is going to be: dismissal  
•  ask employees for consent before contacting their 26………………………… Underline keywords:  Recommendations to employers, ask employees, consent, before contacting

In the last paragraph, in lines 7-9, the author describes, “ _ If the employer wishes to contact the employee’s doctor for more information about a medical condition, he or she must notify the employee in writing that they intend to make such an application and they must secure the employee’s consent in writing_____.”

In this text, he or she must notify the employee & must secure the employee’s consent means that ➙ ask employees for consent

Hence, the answer is going to be: doctor  
•  identify employees affected by 27………………………… and provide supportUnderline keywords:  Recommendations to employers, identify, employees, affected by, provide support
In the last paragraph, in the ending lines, the writer tells, “____ Consideration should be given to introducing measures to help employees, regardless of status or seniority, who may be suffering from stress. The aim should be to identify employees affected and encourage them to seek help and treatment.”

In this text, suffering from means that ➙ affected by
encourage them to seek help and treatment means that ➙ provide support

Hence, the answer is going to be: stress
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