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Describe An Occasion When You Waited A Long Time For A Nice Thing – Cue Card

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In Describe An Occasion When You Waited A Long Time For A Nice Thing IELTS Speaking Cue Card and Follow-ups, You should answer the following questions:

  • When did it happen?
  • What the nice thing was?
  • How long have you waited?
  • Why did you wait for a long time?
  • Explain how you felt about the experience.

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Describe An Occasion When You Waited A Long Time For A Nice Thing Model Answer

Please be aware that you will be speaking for one to two minutes on the topic – Describe An Occasion When You Waited A Long Time For A Nice Thing. You will have one minute to prepare your thoughts. Therefore, it is advised that you create a list of bullet points outlining the things you plan to cover.


Waiting for something special in the world of technology is like waiting for a surprise—it’s exciting, makes you curious, and keeps you guessing. One time that stood out was when I couldn’t wait for the new MacBook Pro to come out.

When did it happen?

This happened about a year ago when Apple hinted that they were making a brand-new MacBook Pro. Everyone was talking about it, trying to guess what amazing things it would have. It was like a secret that everyone wanted to know.

What the nice thing was?

The MacBook Pro was the super cool thing everyone was waiting for. It wasn’t just a regular upgrade; it was going to be totally different with new things inside and a fancy new look. People said it would be faster, look really stylish, and maybe even have some totally new stuff we’d never seen before.

How long have you waited? & Why did you wait for a long time?

I had to wait for quite a while—it was a few months from when Apple first said something about it to when they finally showed it to everyone. During that time, they kept showing little bits, making everyone more and more excited. Each new thing they showed made us all even more curious.

And I waited because everyone said it was going to be awesome! They said it would be super fast, look really cool, and have lots of amazing things that made it hard not to get excited. Waiting for it felt like waiting for a birthday present you just couldn’t wait to open.

Explain how you felt about the experience.

It was a big mix of feelings. At first, I was really, really excited—talking with friends, imagining all the great stuff it might have, and just feeling super hyped. But as time went on, I started feeling a bit restless. Waiting for it felt like waiting for a fun day that just took forever to arrive.

Finally, when Apple showed the MacBook Pro, it was amazing! It was like finally getting to open that present you’ve been dreaming about. The new look and the cool features—it was even better than what I thought!

Looking back, waiting for it was totally worth it. It showed me that waiting for something awesome makes the excitement even better when it finally happens. It’s like counting down to a surprise and feeling that rush of joy when you finally see it.

Concluding the cue card

The MacBook Pro really delivered on what people were expecting. It was super fast, which was great for doing lots of things at once, like working on projects or watching videos without any lag. Its sleek design made it look so cool, and the new features, like the Touch Bar and improved screen, made it feel like using something from the future. That’s what made all the waiting totally worth it.


Describe An Occasion When You Waited A Long Time For A Nice Thing Follow-ups

Here are some probable follow-up questions that could be asked by your IELTS Speaking examiner on the cue card topic – Describe An Occasion When You Waited A Long Time For A Nice Thing:

1. On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?

People have to wait a long time in places like hospitals, especially to see a doctor. Waiting for buses, planes, or even at restaurants during busy times can take a while too. Getting government documents or waiting in line for events also means waiting for quite some time. Waiting on the phone for customer service or in traffic jams can feel like forever, and even after a job interview, waiting to hear back can take a long time.

2. What do people do while waiting?

While waiting, people often use their phones to play games or check messages. Some watch others around them or listen to music. Others might work or study, talk to nearby people, or simply relax and daydream. It really depends on what they enjoy doing to pass the time.

3. Are most people patient while waiting?

Some people are okay waiting, while others get antsy. It depends on lots of things, like how long they’re waiting or if there’s anything to do while waiting. If it’s a short wait or they have something to keep them busy, they’re usually more patient. But if it’s a long wait with nothing to do, it can get pretty tough to stay patient.

4. Do you like to wait for a long time? Why?

I don’t particularly enjoy waiting for a long time. It’s not much fun to have to hang around without much to do. I’d rather keep things moving and stay busy, but sometimes waiting is just part of the deal!

5. Why do most children have difficulties waiting for a long time?

Kids find waiting hard because they’re not used to it and get bored easily. They might not understand how long they have to wait, and if it’s for something exciting, it feels even longer. They’re still learning to control their feelings and might get antsy while waiting. I think giving them stuff to do or explaining things can help make waiting easier for them.

6. Do people queue consciously while waiting for the subway train?

In many places, yes, people consciously queue while waiting for the subway train. Especially during busy times, there’s often an informal line or queue system where people naturally line up in an orderly fashion on the platform. However, this can vary based on cultural norms and the level of congestion at a particular station. In less crowded situations or in places where queuing isn’t a strong cultural practice, the waiting might be less structured. Overall, people tend to form lines to board the train in an organized way, making the process smoother for everyone.

7. Do you think patience is important?

Absolutely! Patience is super important. It helps us stay calm in tough situations, deal with waiting times, and handle challenges without getting too stressed out. Being patient often leads to better decisions and prevents unnecessary frustration. It’s like a superpower that helps us navigate through all sorts of stuff in life.

8. Why is it difficult for children to be patient?

Kids find it hard to wait because they don’t understand time very well, and waiting feels longer to them. They’re used to getting things quickly, so waiting for stuff is tough. If there’s nothing fun to do while waiting, they get bored and restless. Plus, if they’re waiting for something really exciting, it makes the wait feel even harder. Being patient is something they’re still learning, so it’s trickier for them than for grown-ups.

9. How to teach children patience?

Teaching kids patience means showing them that waiting is normal and part of life. Start with small waits and keep them busy with games or books while they wait. Show them how to stay calm when waiting and praise them when they do it well. Also, talk to them about feelings and why waiting might be tough sometimes. With practice and our support, they’ll learn to handle waiting better!

10. Would you easily feel angry when you wait for a long time?

I might feel a bit frustrated if I have to wait for a really long time, especially if there’s not much to do during the wait. But usually, I try to find something to keep myself occupied or use the time to relax. Staying patient helps keep the frustration in check!

11. Have you ever been late for meeting someone?

As a student, I’ve had times when I’ve been late for meetings or classes. Sometimes it’s due to unexpected things like transportation issues or not planning my time well. When it happens, I try to let the person know I’m meeting and that I’ll be late and apologize. I also try to learn from it, maybe by setting reminders or leaving earlier next time to avoid being late again.


So, that’s all you need to say in the Describe An Occasion When You Waited A Long Time For A Nice Thing Cue card to get a band 7+ score in the IELTS Speaking exam.

If you still need any help, feel free to ask in the comments.


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