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Describe A Good Advertisement That You Think Is Useful – Cue Card

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In Describe A Good Advertisement That You Think Is Useful IELTS Speaking Cue Card and Follow-ups, You should answer the following questions:

  • Where you can see it?
  • What does it show?
  • Why do you think it is useful?
  • Explain how you feel about it.

Describe A Good Advertisement That You Think Is Useful Model Answer

Please be aware that you will be speaking for one to two minutes on the topic – Describe A Good Advertisement That You Think Is Useful. You will have one minute to prepare your thoughts. Therefore, it is advised that you create a list of bullet points outlining the things you plan to cover.


Advertisements play a pivotal role in shaping our perceptions and influencing our choices. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world witnessed an unprecedented need for awareness and advocacy, particularly concerning vaccination campaigns. One such advertisement that resonated profoundly due to its effectiveness and relevance was centered around promoting COVID vaccinations. It not only conveyed vital information but also stirred emotions and encouraged societal responsibility.

Where you can see it?

COVID vaccination ads were shown in lots of places where people usually see ads. You could find them on TV during popular shows or news breaks. They were also all over social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram because lots of people use these platforms.

These ads weren’t just on screens. You could spot them on big boards along roads, in newspapers, and even on buses and trains. The goal was to make sure everyone, no matter where they lived or what they did, saw these ads and understood how important getting vaccinated was. The government, healthcare groups, and other organizations made special websites to spread the word about vaccines too. They wanted to reach as many people as possible and encourage them to get vaccinated to stay safe from COVID-19.

What does it show?

The ads about COVID-19 vaccines showed why it’s important to get vaccinated. They told us how the vaccine works, why it’s safe, and how it helps protect us and others from getting sick. These ads also said where and how we could get the vaccine. They wanted to encourage everyone to get vaccinated to stop the pandemic. They tried to make us feel that getting the vaccine is a good thing to do and that it’s something we all can do to help each other.

Why do you think it is useful?

COVID vaccine ads are super useful because they tell us why getting the vaccine is a good thing. They explain how it keeps us safe from getting really sick. These ads also help answer questions people might have about the vaccine, making some folks feel better about getting it. They also tell us where we can go to get vaccinated.

That way, everyone knows how to get the vaccine and stay safe. These ads are really important because they help us understand why getting vaccinated is a smart idea.

Explain how you feel about it.

I think COVID vaccine ads are incredibly important. They do a great job of giving clear information about why getting vaccinated matters. They help people understand how vaccines work and why they’re safe. That’s really cool because it helps ease worries and encourages more folks to get vaccinated. These ads make it easier for everyone to know where to go to get protected. Overall, I feel these ads are a fantastic way to help keep us all safe and end this tough time caused by the pandemic.

Concluding the cue card

In closing, COVID vaccine ads are really important. They help tell people about vaccines, make them feel more comfortable about getting vaccinated, and show where to go to get protected. These ads are a big help in encouraging everyone to get vaccinated and make our world safer for everyone.


Describe A Good Advertisement That You Think Is Useful Follow-ups

Here are some probable follow-up questions that could be asked by your IELTS Speaking examiner on the cue card topic – Describe A Good Advertisement That You Think Is Useful:

1. What do you think of online advertising?

Online ads are like the signs you see on the internet trying to get your attention and sell you things. I think they’re good because they help businesses find the right people to buy their stuff and see if their ads are working well. But sometimes they can be annoying or make people worried about their privacy because they use our information to show us specific ads. It’s cool when they’re helpful and not too pushy!

2. Are there any great online advertisements?

Some ads really stand out because they’re super creative or make us feel something strong. Remember when Coca-Cola put names on bottles so you could share a Coke with your friends? That was cool! Or think about Nike’s ad with Colin Kaepernick, it was about standing up for what you believe in. Great ads grab our hearts or make us talk about them for days.

3. What do people usually buy?

When people see an ad, they might buy the thing in the ad if they like it or need it. Sometimes ads make them curious about the brand or type of product, so they look it up or think about buying something similar. And other times, an ad might make them want to buy something right away without thinking too much about it.

4. Why does buying new things make people happy?

Getting new stuff makes people happy because it feels good in the brain, like a little reward. It also helps with needs or wants, making us feel satisfied or accomplished. Plus, new things are exciting and fresh, which can be fun. But sometimes, that happiness doesn’t last long, and we might keep wanting new stuff to feel happy again.

5. Do people watch useless advertisements in this day and age?

These days, people aren’t into ads they find pointless. They skip or block them when they can. Ads that are interesting or helpful are more likely to catch their eye. Advertisers try hard to make ads that people actually want to watch by making them fun or about things people care about. But if an ad doesn’t match what someone likes or needs, they might just ignore it.

6. Do you think there is too much advertising in our daily lives?

There’s definitely a lot of advertising around us every day. It’s in almost everything we do, from scrolling on our phones to watching TV or even just walking down the street. Sometimes, it can feel overwhelming or intrusive, especially if it’s everywhere you look. Finding the balance between helpful information and too much promotion can be tough.

People often appreciate ads that feel relevant or entertaining, but when it feels like there’s no escape from them, it can get a bit too much.

7. Why do some people hate advertisements?

Lots of people don’t like ads for different reasons. Some find them annoying because they interrupt what they’re doing or they’re everywhere you look. Others get bothered when ads feel like they’re trying too hard to sell something or don’t match what they’re interested in.

Some also worry about privacy when ads track their online activities. As a whole, people often dislike ads because they can feel intrusive, annoying, or not relevant to them.

8. Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?

Sometimes when people see an ad, they end up buying what it shows, especially if they really want it. Other times, ads just make them curious about the thing or the brand, so they might look it up or think about getting something similar. And sometimes, an ad makes someone want to buy right away without thinking too much about it. But not everyone ends up buying stuff they see in ads—it depends on the person and how much they like what the ad is showing.

9. Is music useful in advertising?

Definitely! Music is like a secret ingredient in ads—it sets the vibe and makes them more memorable. The right music can make you feel excited, nostalgic, or happy, fitting with what the ad is trying to say. Sometimes, catchy tunes stick in your head, making you remember the brand or product. It’s like music helps ads speak to your heart and stay in your mind.

10. What are the advantages of TV advertisements? How about internet advertisements?

TV advertisements have some advantages. They reach a wide audience, making them great for big campaigns. They can also combine audio, visuals, and storytelling effectively, engaging viewers emotionally. Plus, TV ads can target specific demographics by choosing the right time slots for airing.

Internet advertisements, on the other hand, have different strengths. They offer precise targeting, reaching specific audiences based on their online behavior or interests. Internet ads can be interactive, allowing users to engage directly with the content, and they provide real-time analytics, helping advertisers track their campaigns’ effectiveness quickly.

Both TV and internet ads have their perks—it depends on the goals and the audience advertisers want to reach. TV might be better for broad exposure, while internet ads offer more targeted and interactive options.

11. Where usually do we see adverts?

Advertisements are everywhere! You can find them on TV, before or during videos online, on websites, social media, in magazines, on billboards along the road, in apps on your phone, and even on packaging or signs in stores. Basically, they pop up in lots of places where people spend time or look around. They try to catch your eye and tell you about different products or brands.

12. Are there any advertisements at school?

Sometimes, you might see ads in schools, like on sports gear, posters, or even in educational stuff, but it depends on the school and where it is. Some schools work with companies that give them stuff or money in exchange for putting ads around the school. But not all schools have ads—it varies from place to place and can be a bit of a debate about how it affects students.

13. Are there some inappropriate adverts, like that of a condom?

In India, there are regulations and guidelines set by the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) that govern what can be shown in advertisements. Advertisements for products like condoms need to adhere to these guidelines, ensuring they are appropriate and respectful, especially considering cultural sensitivities.

While advertisements for contraceptives or related products exist in India, they often focus on promoting awareness, education, and responsible behavior rather than being explicit. The approach tends to be more about conveying a message of safety and responsibility rather than being explicit or inappropriate.

14. Why does the government allow such ads?

The government allows ads for things like contraceptives to help people stay healthy and informed. These ads focus on teaching about safety and responsibility without being too explicit or disrespectful. They try to strike a balance between giving important information and respecting what’s considered appropriate in the culture.

15. Do you think it is bad for children?

Some ads might be about sensitive stuff, and that can affect kids. But usually, those ads are made in a way that’s okay for kids to see—they’re not too explicit or inappropriate. Parents can help by talking to kids about these ads and making sure they understand them in a way that’s right for their age. Overall, while ads can touch on sensitive topics, efforts are made to keep them okay for kids to watch.

16. Do parents complain about it?

Sometimes, parents get upset if they think some ads are not okay for their kids. If they feel an ad talks about things that are too grown-up or not suitable, they might tell the people in charge of the companies to make changes. I guess parents want their kids to see ads that are right for their age and what they believe is okay.

So, that’s all you need to say in the Describe A Good Advertisement That You Think Is Useful Cue card to get a band 7+ score in the IELTS Speaking exam.

If you still need any help, feel free to ask in the comments.


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