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Describe A Bad Service You Received In A Restaurant / Shop – Cue Card

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In Describe A Bad Service You Received In A Restaurant / Shop IELTS Speaking Cue Card and Follow-ups, You should answer the following questions:

  • When and where it happened?
  • What happened?
  • How it was solved?
  • Explain how you felt about the experience.

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Describe A Bad Service You Received In A Restaurant Model Answer

Please be aware that you will be speaking for one to two minutes on the topic – Describe A Bad Service You Received In A Restaurant. You will have one minute to prepare your thoughts. Therefore, it is advised that you create a list of bullet points outlining the things you plan to cover.


Sometimes when we go out to eat, things don’t go as smoothly as we hope. I remember a time when I went to a burger place and everything just didn’t go well. The service was really disappointing, and it made the whole meal experience quite frustrating. It showed me how important good service is when we go out to eat.

When and where it happened?

It happened a few months ago at a popular burger joint called ‘TastyBites’ located in the heart of the city. I was craving a good burger and decided to give this place a try based on recommendations from friends. It was a Saturday evening, and the restaurant was quite busy when I arrived.

What happened?

When I went inside the burger place, nobody was there to show me where to sit. After waiting for a while, someone finally pointed to a table for me. But then, the person who was supposed to take my order took a long time to come. And when they did, they got my order wrong two times!

After waiting for what felt like forever, the burgers finally came, but they were cold and didn’t taste good. I wanted to tell the server about it, but they were nowhere to be found. It made the whole meal really disappointing.

How it was solved?

I went to the manager and told them everything politely. They said sorry and quickly fixed the problem with the cold burgers. They also promised to make things better in the future. To make up for the bad experience, they gave me a free dessert. Even though it started badly, the manager trying to help made things a bit better in the end.

Explain how you felt about the experience.

I felt pretty disappointed and frustrated during the whole meal. Waiting for someone to take my order and then getting the wrong food made it worse. When the burgers finally came, and they were cold and not tasty, I was really unhappy. It was frustrating not being able to get the server’s attention to fix things.

But when the manager stepped in and tried to make it right, I felt a bit better. Even though the meal didn’t go well, the manager’s effort to fix things made me feel a bit relieved and appreciated.

Concluding the cue card

Thinking back on that burger restaurant visit, it really showed how important good service is. Even though things started badly, the manager trying to fix it made a big difference. It taught me that when restaurants listen and try to make things better, it can change how we feel about the whole experience. It’s a good reminder of how much good service matters when we go out to eat.


Describe A Bad Service You Received In A Shop Model Answer

Please be aware that you will be speaking for one to two minutes on the topic – Describe A Bad Service You Received In A Shop. You will have one minute to prepare your thoughts. Therefore, it is advised that you create a list of bullet points outlining the things you plan to cover.


We rely a lot on our phones these days, right? But sometimes, dealing with stores that fix or sell them isn’t smooth sailing. I’ll never forget this one time at a mobile shop where things went really wrong. The service was so bad, it left me pretty upset. It made me realize how important it is for shops to treat their customers well and do their job properly.

When and where it happened?

It happened about a year ago at a mobile shop in my neighborhood. I had gone there to get my phone fixed because the screen had suddenly stopped working.

What happened?

When I arrived at the shop, I explained the issue with my phone to the staff. Instead of listening attentively, they seemed disinterested and unprofessional. The person attending to me was dismissive, barely making eye contact, and seemed more preoccupied with their phone than helping me with mine. It felt like they weren’t taking my problem seriously.

How it was solved?

Despite the lack of assistance, I persisted and asked to speak to the manager. The manager, thankfully, was more understanding and took the time to listen to my concerns. After discussing the issue, they arranged for a technician to examine my phone. The technician discovered a minor glitch in the software, which they fixed promptly.

Though the initial experience was frustrating, the manager’s intervention and the technician’s expertise eventually resolved the problem with my phone.

Explain how you felt about the experience.

The entire experience left me feeling incredibly frustrated and undervalued as a customer. Initially, I was irritated by the dismissive attitude of the staff member, which made me question whether my issue was being taken seriously.

However, when the manager stepped in and rectified the situation, I felt a sense of relief and appreciation. Despite the initial frustration, the resolution made me realize the importance of responsive and attentive customer service in these situations.

Concluding the cue card

This whole experience showed me how crucial good service is. Even though things started badly, having a manager step in made a big difference. It made me realize that when businesses listen and take action, it really matters. It taught me that putting customers first is key for any business to succeed.

Describe A Bad Service You Received In A Restaurant / Shop Follow-ups

Here are some probable follow-up questions that could be asked by your IELTS Speaking examiner on the cue card topic – Describe A Bad Service You Received In A Restaurant / Shop:

1. How do most people respond to bad services?

When people get bad service, they usually do a few things: they might complain directly to the company, write bad reviews online, ask for refunds or compensation, tell friends about the bad experience, or even take legal action if it was really bad. Some just decide to never use that service again. It really depends on how bad the service was and the person’s personality.

2. Do you think services are better now than in the past?

I think services have gotten better in many ways because of new technology and more competition. Now, we can access things faster and easier with apps and websites. Companies also listen more to what customers want, trying to make experiences better. But some people think older services were more personal and caring compared to today’s more automated and distant ways.

3. What kind of services are bad services?

Bad services can be when things don’t work well or aren’t good enough. It could be when people providing the service are rude or don’t listen to you. Sometimes, the service might not be the same every time, making it hard to trust. If they don’t tell you things clearly or if what they say doesn’t match what happens, that’s not good service either. As a whole, bad services are when what you get doesn’t match what you expected or needed.

4. Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad services?

Some people don’t speak up when they get bad service because they might not want trouble or think it won’t make a difference. They could also worry that complaining might cause more problems or take too much time and effort. Sometimes, people just don’t feel confident that anyone will listen or fix the issue. Cultural beliefs or past experiences might also make them stay quiet about it.

5. Who should be responsible for bad services?

When something goes wrong with a service, the main responsibility usually falls on the company or person giving that service. They’re supposed to make sure things work well and meet customers’ needs. But sometimes, other things outside their control might also cause problems. Still, it’s mostly up to the service provider to make things right for their customers.

6. As a boss, what would you do to prevent bad services?

As a boss, I’d make sure my team gets good training and support to serve customers well. I’d set clear rules for how we help customers and listen to what they say. I’d also let my team make decisions to fix problems and make customers happy. We’d always try to get better by learning from mistakes, and I’d show everyone how important good service is by leading the way.


So, that’s all you need to say in the Describe A Bad Service You Received In A Restaurant / Shop Cue card to get a band 7+ score in the IELTS Speaking exam.

If you still need any help, feel free to ask in the comments.


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