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Describe A Rule That Is Important In Your School or At Work – Cue Card

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In Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work IELTS Speaking Cue Card and Follow-ups, You should answer the following questions:

  • What the rule is about?
  • What happens when people break the rules?
  • Why do you think it is an important rule?
  • Explain how you feel about the rule.

Describe a rule that is important in your school Model Answer

Please be aware that you will be speaking for one to two minutes on the topic – Describe a rule that is important in your school. You will have one minute to prepare your thoughts. Therefore, it is advised that you create a list of bullet points outlining the things you plan to cover.


At my school, following a specific dress code is a big deal. It’s not just about what we wear—it’s about showing unity and discipline. This rule isn’t just a guideline; it’s a way for us to feel connected and professional as a school community. Let me tell you more about this important rule and how it shapes our school life.

What the rule is about?

The rule primarily focuses on the dress code students must follow while attending school. It outlines specific guidelines regarding clothing choices, such as the types of attire allowed (uniforms, formal wear, casual clothes), restrictions on certain items (like hats or specific designs), and sometimes even guidelines about grooming and accessories.

This rule aims to ensure a sense of uniformity, discipline, and professionalism among students while fostering a cohesive school identity.

What happens when students break the rules?

If students break the dress code, they might get a warning or be asked to fix the issue, like taking off a hat or adjusting clothes. For bigger problems or if it keeps happening, they might get detention, a note sent to their parents, or other punishments set by the school. If it’s serious or happens a lot, they could even get suspended or face stronger actions from the school.

Why do you think it is an important rule?

The dress code rule is important because it creates a sense of belonging and equality among students. It helps everyone feel like they’re part of the same team by wearing similar clothes. It also teaches the importance of following guidelines and being respectful in a shared environment. Plus, it can minimize distractions caused by flashy or inappropriate clothing, allowing everyone to focus more on learning.

Explain how you feel about the rule.

I understand the reasons behind having a dress code in school. It can promote a sense of unity and lessen distractions, allowing everyone to focus on learning. At the same time, I think there should also be room for individual expression and comfort within the guidelines. Finding a balance between enforcing the rule and respecting individuality is crucial. As a whole, I see its value in creating a cohesive environment, but flexibility within the rule could be beneficial too.

Concluding the cue card

To sum up, the dress code rule helps us stick together and concentrate better in school. It’s good for making everyone feel like part of the same team. But it could be even better if it gave us a bit more freedom to show who we are. In short, it’s there to make our school a good place to learn while letting us be a little unique too.


Describe a rule that is important at your work Model Answer

Please be aware that you will be speaking for one to two minutes on the topic – Describe a rule that is important at your work. You will have one minute to prepare your thoughts. Therefore, it is advised that you create a list of bullet points outlining the things you plan to cover.


At the workplace, adherence to various rules and regulations often shapes the professional environment, ensuring safety, efficiency, and uniformity in operations. One such crucial rule in my workplace revolves around grooming standards, particularly the regulation prohibiting facial hair, specifically beards.

What the rule is about?

The rule regarding no beards at my workplace is mainly about maintaining a specific appearance standard. It requires employees to be clean-shaven, prohibiting the growth of facial hair, particularly beards. This guideline ensures a consistent and professional look among the workforce, either due to safety protocols, job-specific requirements, or as part of the workplace’s culture and expectations.

What happens when workers break the rules?

When workers break the rule about having beards in my workplace, there are typically consequences depending on the severity and frequency of the violation. Initially, employees might receive a warning or reminder to comply with the grooming standard. However, repeated infractions could lead to disciplinary actions, such as written warnings, temporary suspension, or even termination in extreme cases.

The enforcement of these consequences aims to uphold the workplace rules and maintain the expected standards of appearance and conduct.

Why do you think it is an important rule?

The rule about no beards is important for a few reasons. First, it might be about keeping everyone safe. In some jobs, having a beard can make it hard to wear safety gear like masks properly, which could be dangerous.

Second, it’s about making sure everyone looks the same. A clean-shaven face might be seen as more professional or fitting with how the company wants its employees to appear.

Lastly, it could be because of how things have always been done in the industry or the company. Sometimes, rules like these come from what’s considered normal or expected. Overall, the rule helps with safety, keeps a certain professional look, and follows what the company sees as its way of doing things.

Explain how you feel about the rule.

I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I understand rules are often in place for safety reasons or to maintain a certain professional image. However, I also think it’s important for rules to be reasonable and considerate.

If the rule directly impacts someone’s personal style or cultural beliefs without a clear safety reason, I might feel it’s a bit restrictive. It’s important for workplaces to balance rules with respect for individual differences.

Concluding the cue card

Workplace rules, like the one about beards, have their place in ensuring safety or maintaining a certain appearance. However, it’s equally crucial for workplaces to embrace diversity and accommodate individual preferences. Achieving this balance fosters a workplace where rules are sensible, and everyone feels understood and appreciated.

Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work Follow-ups

Here are some probable follow-up questions that could be asked by your IELTS Speaking examiner on the cue card topic – Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work:

1. Should schools have rules?

Absolutely! Schools need rules to make sure everyone behaves well and stays safe. Rules are like guidelines that help everyone know how to act and what’s expected. They’re important because they create a good environment for learning and make sure everyone is treated fairly.

They cover things like how we should behave, study, and keep safe while at school. Rules are like a roadmap that helps everyone get along and focus on learning.

2. Should schools decide how long the working hours should be?

Deciding how long school lasts is important for making sure kids learn well. Schools think about things like how old the kids are and what’s best for learning. Younger kids might need shorter days, while older ones might do better with longer hours for learning or activities. Therefore, it’s about finding the right balance between learning time and other important stuff like rest and family time. Talking to teachers, parents, and students helps figure out the best school hours for everyone.

3. What kinds of rules do Indian families have?

Indian families often have rules that focus on respecting elders, studying hard, following cultural customs, doing household chores, and behaving well in social situations. Kids are expected to show respect, prioritize education, help at home, and follow traditions and moral values. These rules help teach important lessons and keep the family strong, but every family might have its own special rules.

4. Do you think strict rules are needed in schools?

Schools need rules to keep everyone safe and make sure learning happens smoothly. I think some strict rules can help keep things orderly, but they should also be fair and make sense for students. Rules must help students learn well while still being understanding of their needs. Balancing structure and flexibility in rules helps make school a good place to learn and grow.

5. Should students be involved in rule-making?

Letting students help make the rules is a great idea. When they’re part of creating the rules, they feel more involved and understand why rules are important. It gives them a chance to share their thoughts and helps them follow the rules better. Plus, it teaches them about responsibility and working together as a team.

6. What rules should children follow at home in your country?

In Indian homes, kids usually follow rules like respecting elders, helping with chores, focusing on studies, and following cultural traditions. They’re expected to be polite, lend a hand at home, study well, and be mindful of family customs. Families might also have rules about when to come home and how to behave when with friends. These rules help kids learn important values and skills while staying connected to their culture.

7. On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don’t follow some rules?

Sometimes, kids might not follow rules because they make mistakes by accident, or things happen that they can’t control, like emergencies. If they say sorry and really mean it, or if it’s a chance for them to learn something new, it’s okay to forgive and teach them what’s right.

Forgiving when they didn’t mean to break the rules or when they’re truly sorry helps them learn without feeling too bad. But it’s also important to help them understand why rules matter and how to do better next time.

8. What rules should people follow when using public transport?

When using public transport, it’s important to be nice to others—don’t be too loud, and help those who need seats more than you do. Wait for people to get off before you get on, and pay attention to safety rules, like wearing seatbelts if they’re there.

Keep things tidy by throwing trash in the right places, and try not to take up too much space. Follow the rules of the transport system, like not eating where you’re not supposed to. Doing these things helps everyone have a good and safe ride.

9. What kinds of rules do people need to follow in public places?

Sure thing! In public places, it’s important to be respectful and considerate to everyone around. That means keeping noise down, throwing trash in bins, and following the rules—like using crosswalks and obeying signs. We should also take care of public property, like not drawing on walls or damaging things. It’s about being mindful of others, keeping places clean, and following the guidelines to make sure everyone can enjoy these spaces safely.

10. What are the reasons that cause people to break the rules?

Sometimes people break rules because they don’t know them well or they don’t care about them. Other times, it’s because of emergencies or when they feel pressured by friends. In rare cases, it might be because they need something urgently, or they’re upset with the rules. I believe understanding why people break rules can help us find ways to make rules clearer and more reasonable for everyone.

11. When people break the rules, how would they be punished in your country?

In India, the consequences for breaking rules can vary depending on the severity of the offense and the specific laws or regulations involved. Punishments can range from warnings, fines, community service, to imprisonment, depending on the nature of the violation.

For instance, breaking traffic rules might lead to fines or license suspension, while more serious offenses could result in legal proceedings and potential imprisonment. The legal system in India operates within the framework of established laws, and penalties are typically determined by the judiciary based on the specifics of each case and the applicable laws.


So, that’s all you need to say in the Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work Cue card to get a band 7+ score in the IELTS Speaking exam.

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