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Describe A Place In Your Country That You Think Is Interesting – Cue Card

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In Describe A Place In Your Country That You Think Is Interesting IELTS Speaking Cue Card and Follow-ups, You should answer the following questions:

  • Where it is?
  • How did you know it?
  • What special features does it have?
  • Explain why you think it is interesting.

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Describe A Place In Your Country That You Think Is Interesting Model Answer

Please be aware that you will be speaking for one to two minutes on the topic – Describe A Place In Your Country That You Think Is Interesting. You will have one minute to prepare your thoughts. Therefore, it is advised that you create a list of bullet points outlining the things you plan to cover.


India is a big country full of different cultures and amazing places to visit. One of these special places is Hampi. It’s like a storybook from a long time ago, with broken buildings, beautiful temples, and stunning views that make you feel like you’re in a different time. Hampi’s like a treasure chest showing how incredible India’s past was.

Where it is?

Hampi is a special town in India, in a state called Karnataka. It’s in the southern part of the country. Imagine a place with big rocks, old buildings, and a river nearby called Tungabhadra. That’s Hampi!

It’s like a magical world where big rocks are scattered all around, some as huge as houses. These rocks make the place look like a giant playground filled with history. Hampi sits along the riverbanks, surrounded by green fields, making it a peaceful and beautiful place to visit.

How did you know it ?

I first heard about Hampi from stories people shared and pictures I saw. They talked about how it feels like going back in time when you walk through Hampi. It sounded so exciting that I wanted to see it for myself, to explore the place that seemed like a chapter from a history book brought to life.

What special features does it have?

Hampi has many cool things that make it unique. One of them is the Virupaksha Temple, which is really old and dedicated to a god. It’s like a beautiful work of art with carvings all over it. The town also has these massive rocks scattered everywhere, and they mix with the old buildings, creating a kind of magical feeling.

Across the river, there’s a place called Hippie Island. It’s calm and relaxing, with cozy cafes and stunning views. It’s a contrast to the ancient vibe of Hampi but equally fascinating.

Explain why you think it is interesting.

What makes Hampi so interesting is how it feels like stepping into a time machine. The old buildings and temples tell stories of how people lived hundreds of years ago. It’s like solving a big puzzle of history and art while being surrounded by breathtaking nature.

The mix of history and nature in Hampi is incredible! It’s like walking through an ancient storybook where every rock and building has a tale to tell. Hampi makes you curious and amazed at the same time.

Concluding the cue card

Hampi isn’t just a place with old buildings and big rocks—it’s a magical journey through time. It’s about feeling the stories hidden in those places, letting your imagination wander through history. Hampi’s charm invites everyone to explore its ancient wonders, leaving a lasting memory for anyone who visits.


Describe A Place In Your Country That You Think Is Interesting Follow-ups

Here are some probable follow-up questions that could be asked by your IELTS Speaking examiner on the cue card topic – Describe A Place In Your Country That You Think Is Interesting:

1. How can people access travel information?

You can find travel info in many ways: on websites and apps like TripAdvisor, in guidebooks and blogs, and on social media like Instagram. There are also official tourism websites, travel agencies, and shows where you can learn about places. People share advice on podcasts and YouTube too. When you visit a new place, there are visitor centers and local guides to help too. So, there are lots of ways to get info before you travel and while you’re exploring!

2. Do people have different personalities in different places in your country?

In different parts of my country, people act differently. In big cities, they’re often busy and focused on work, while in smaller towns, life might be more relaxed and people might know each other better. The way people behave can be because of the place they live in—its culture, history, and lifestyle. Each place has its special way of life.

3. What causes the differences between different places in your country?

Differences in India’s places come from history, traditions, and how the environment shapes life. Every spot has its own customs, whether it’s mountains, beaches, or cities. Big cities are fast, with lots of jobs, while smaller towns keep old ways and are more relaxed. All these things make each place in India special.

4. Is it just youngsters who like to try new things, or do people of your parent’s age also like to try new things?

I believe everyone likes trying new things, not just young people. Youngsters might try more new stuff, like new games or activities. But grown-ups, like parents, also enjoy trying new things. They might want to learn new hobbies, visit new places, try different foods, or start doing something they never did before. Even as people get older, they still like exploring and trying new stuff—it’s fun for everyone.

5. Is a great tourist destination also a good place to live?

I think a good place for tourists might not always be the best spot to live. When people visit, these places have lots of fun stuff to do and see. But living there could be a bit tricky. It might be crowded and cost more to live because of all the tourists. Sometimes, the focus on visitors changes how the place feels.

For me, a good place to live has more than just cool things to look at. It’s about having schools, jobs, and hospitals nearby. It’s also about feeling like part of a community. Some tourist spots are great to live in, but others might not have everything you need for everyday life. So, even though they’re awesome to visit, they might not be the best for staying long-term.

6. Why do people who live in small towns think these towns are more interesting than the big cities?

In small towns, people might like living there more than in big cities. One reason is that small towns feel like a big family—everyone knows each other, making it friendly. These places have special stories and traditions that make them feel unique.

Life in small towns is slower, not as fast as in big cities, which some people prefer because it feels calm and not rushed. Also, the nature around small towns, like beautiful countryside views, can be relaxing for those who enjoy peace and quiet. It’s about what feels nice and comfy for different folks.

7. Do you think cities worth visiting are also good to live in?

Cities that are awesome to visit can be great places to live too, but it’s not always a perfect match. These cities are packed with cool stuff—amazing sights, events, and lots to explore, which makes them super fun for tourists. But living there can be a bit different. Sometimes, it’s super busy, crowded, and living costs might be higher.

Living in a city comes with its perks, though! You’ve got tons of job options, schools, different cultures to explore, and never a dull moment. So, while these cities are a blast to visit, living there might have its ups and downs. It’s all about finding what fits your daily life best. Some people adore the city buzz and everything it offers, while others prefer a quieter scene. I think it’s a personal choice based on what feels right for you.

8. What is the difference between the people living in the city and people living in the countryside?

People in cities are often really busy and have lots of things to do. They might have different jobs and enjoy a fast life with lots of fun stuff happening around them. In the countryside, life is slower and more relaxed. People might have jobs related to farming and live in smaller communities, surrounded by nature.

Even though they live differently, everyone wants similar things—like being happy and having friends and family. It’s just that their daily lives and where they live make things a bit different.

9. What is the difference between big cities and small cities?

There’s so much to do, like different jobs and fun events, but it can be really crowded and sometimes a bit crazy.

Small cities, on the other hand, are more chill. There are fewer people and buildings, which makes everything feel cozier and more relaxed. Jobs might not be as many, but everyone knows each other better, like a big friendly gang.

Both kinds of cities are cool—it just depends on what someone likes more.

10. What is the difference between the north and south parts of your country?

In the north of India, it can be cooler with big mountains and lively cities like Delhi. The food there often has lots of flavors and spices.

In the south, it’s usually warmer and more relaxed. You’ll find beautiful beaches and greener landscapes. Cities like Chennai and Bangalore are cool for their culture and technology. The food in the south might taste a bit different, with rice being a big part of it and not as many spices as in the north.

Both places are awesome and have their special things that make India such an amazing and diverse country.

So, that’s all you need to say in the Describe A Place In Your Country That You Think Is Interesting Cue card to get a band 7+ score in the IELTS Speaking exam.

If you still need any help, feel free to ask in the comments.


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