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Describe a person you met at a party and enjoyed a conversation with – IELTS Cue Card

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In this Describe a person you met at a party and enjoyed a conversation with IELTS Speaking Cue Card and follow-ups, You need to answer questions such as:

  • Who was the person?
  • What topics did you discuss?
  • How did you feel?

Read Describe a person you met at a party and enjoyed a conversation with IELTS Cue Card sample answer given below, and carefully observe the usage of band 7+ vocabulary in the model answer and follow-up questions.


Whether you love them or hate them, parties are important. They are places where people make friends, potential partners in life, and professional and love relationships.

However, being an introvert, it is quite challenging for me to talk to strangers. Normally, I let other people initiate the discussion instead of initiating one myself.


Who was the person?

A few months back, I met someone at a restaurant to celebrate a birthday party. We had a lot of fun talking. She was the daughter of my uncle, and our family is in a computer manufacturing business.

She inquired my name out of the blue as we were seated next to one another at the party. As we got to talking, it became clear that we had a lot in common. Sports, Netflix shows, and Instagram all intrigue us.

With her, the discussion just simply flowed.

What topics did you discuss?

She discussed her recent youtube videos with me. How they went viral and all. Since we both enjoyed social media, we added each other on Instagram instantly.

Then, we shifted our conversation toward Politics. She was from Delhi, and I was quite curious about the changes the new AAP government had brought about there. As she was the AAP volunteer, the explanation to my questions was on point!

Later on, we turned to Badminton. And surprisingly, I found that we both played against each other back in our school times. We also talked about the most memorable recent matches and our favourite players.

How did you feel?

Overall, hanging out with her during an otherwise boring party, was a lot of fun. Usually, I find birthday parties to be boring, and I always want to get out as soon as possible.

But on that particular day, I had the best conversation of my life.

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Concluding the cue card

To mark the end of this cue card, I would just like to say that Parties are always a great way to meet people because you never know who you’re going to meet.

How to engage in conversation with a person you met at a party

Describe a person you met at a party and enjoyed a conversation with Follow-up questions

Here are the follow-up questions that may be asked on the IELTS Speaking cue card topic ‘Describe a person you met at a party and enjoyed a conversation with’:

Under what circumstances do you meet new people, and when do you communicate with people you don’t know?

I believe I meet new individuals most frequently when I take public transportation like a bus or a shared taxi or attend events. I believe I talk to people when I find them intriguing and want to learn more about them. I also get in touch with others when I discover that we have common interests that we could explore.

What topics do you discuss with new acquaintances?

I believe it could be anything in which I have an interest, which is actually fairly broad. I enjoy discussing cooking, social media, web development, politics, sports, motor cars, TV shows, celebrities, video games etc. I occasionally discuss my work life, albeit it’s uncommon.

What topics are not suitable for discussion?

There are, in my opinion, not many things that I deem inappropriate. First of all, I dislike discussing finances or how much people make. Even when we meet someone for the first time, discussing salaries is pretty usual in India, but I don’t think it’s appropriate. Moreover, talking about religion or caste doesn’t seem suitable to me either.

After all, these are sensitive topics or issues that need to be handled with caution because they may lead to conflict or enrage or offend people.

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What’s the difference between chatting with friends and new people?

First off, I believe I am less shy with friends. There aren’t many subjects that I avoid discussing with friends. Second, when talking to pals, the discourse becomes considerably more intimate and in-depth. With my pals, for instance, I have casually discussed topics like what I ate the night before or my wake-up time.

Last but not least, while I don’t mind sharing embarrassing tales with my friends, I would never do that with total strangers.

So these are some common differences between chatting with friends vs. new people.

Final Thoughts on IELTS Speaking Cue Card Topic

I hope it gives you some realistic idea on how to carry a conversation around Describe a person you met at a party and enjoyed a conversation with IELTS Cue card topic.

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